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10 Essential Elements For A Happy And Healthy Life

What is health? it’s not just what you’re eating or not eating, or whether or not you’re exercising that’s preventing you from achieving your health goals or overcoming your health challenges. More…

Wanting to transform your health and your life is easy…Transitioning to Transformation….not so much. More…

Are you doing the “right things”, but not getting the right results? Generalized health information that tends to “one-size fits all”or even worse mis-information that’s not based in fact can be confusing and frustrating. More…

Sometimes you just need a little inspiration to take that first step into your greatness. I provide educational, empowering, engaging, and interactive talks to a wide range of audiences… More…

  • I just want to let you know how much I enjoyed the workshop yesterday. You have inspired me to learn more and I will absolutely be signing up for another workshop soon. I made the kale salad today for my family and it is DELICIOUS. I’ve been online and made selections for the spiral slicer and will also order at least one of the cookbooks you recommended. Thank you for your passion and for your welcoming spirit.
    Re: Eat Better!
    Re: Eat Better!
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  • The program was wonderfully enlightening both personally and professionally. A great refresher on the science behind valuable health information plus practical tips I can use to enhance wellness programs for my own clients.
    Nathalie Sessions, RD, LD
    Re: Jumpstart Your Health
    Nathalie Sessions, RD, LD
    Re: Jumpstart Your Health
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  • I had my brother Chris look you up online not long ago seeking insights on ways that diet could minimize his son’s migraines. They didn’t want to use prescription medicine. Through the information you provided, he figured out how and what to remove and his son is much better. Without knowing it, you were helpful as he worked to convince his wife that the diet change could give results. I remember well the benefits you spoke of that can be gained from what we eat. Thank you.
    Re: Eat Better!
    Re: Eat Better!
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  • Being a breast cancer survivor, I encountered side effects from radiation treatment and deficiencies that my doctors did not identify. I was advised to see a nutritionist, but I didn’t. After a couple of years of feeling completely run down, I decided I needed to do something about it. (Click to read more)
    Flora Grant
    Re: Transform Your Health - 90-Day Intensive
    Flora Grant
    Re: Transform Your Health - 90-Day Intensive

    Being a breast cancer survivor, I encountered side effects from radiation treatment and deficiencies that my doctors did not identify. I was advised to see a nutritionist, but I didn’t. After a couple of years of feeling completely run down, I decided I needed to do something about it. While browsing my emails, I found an email from True Self Total Health announcing that beginning January 2015, there would be a webinar series entitled “Jump Start Your Health Series”. I signed up and found the series to be very informative and extremely helpful.

    The series discussed healing and gut digestion, blood sugar, thyroid, and adrenals. Upon completion of the accompanying scorecard assessments, I realized I was experiencing most, if not all of the symptoms described in the scorecards. The assessments were easy to complete and they accurately described my symptoms identifying serious health issues and hormonal imbalances in my body.

    As a result of the health issues identified in the assessment scorecards, I decided that I needed to sign up for a program. It has changed my life. Under the direction of Ms. St. Clair, I’ve made significant changes in my eating habits. I am getting the quality and proper amount of nutrients and vitamins needed for my body. I feel so much better; my energy level has returned and I have lost weight! My mental clarity is much better as well. I am learning about food, enzymes, probiotics, lemon water, etc. One of my biggest takeaways from the series is the realization that what you put in your body can and will harm you.

    There is hope! You just have to get tired of being sick and tired! I give many thanks to Ms. St. Clair, who genuinely cares and educates her clients.

  • I knew there were some things going on, but I couldn't pinpoint it. While my doctor looks at me crazy thinking I don't know what I'm talking about, these blood results show I knew exactly what I was talking about... [Toni] helped me look at these results and opened my eyes to what changes I really need to make. (Click for more)
    Jennifer Streete
    Re: Initial Strategy Session Consultation
    Jennifer Streete
    Re: Initial Strategy Session Consultation

    I can't tell you how important it is to make sure to keep your health in check. It's more than going to the doctor and getting a check up. I decided to get a complete wellness blood test and the results were eye opening.

    I knew there were some things going on, but I couldn't pinpoint it. While my doctor looks at me crazy thinking I don't know what I'm talking about, these blood results show I knew exactly what I was talking about. I decided to see a health coach who is awesome. She helped me look at these results and opened my eyes to what changes I really need to make. Your blood tells your body's story.

    People hear me all the time say listen to your body. I listened and now I know what areas I need to work on instead of playing a guessing game and trying a bunch of stuff that will make my issues a lot worse. I'm not knocking doctors, but you know your body better than anyone. If they say you’re fine, but you know there's an issue, find someone who will listen. Thank you so much Antoinette St Clair for listening. This is the start of my wellness.

  • I truly feel that after all these years, I have finally found someone with not only the expertise but the sisterly affection and understanding of my needs to guide me to great health, the right nutrients, and a supportive lifestyle! I love the idea (for what I say all of the time is) that the body has an amazing mechanism to heal itself, if you let it! Now, I can modify to say, ‘...if you are informed by Toni!' ? Much love & blessings.
    Allison Hill
    Re: Initial Strategy Session Consultation
    Allison Hill
    Re: Initial Strategy Session Consultation
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  • This will make you real happy for me. My breathing is so wonderful these days as you ‘talk to me’ on a daily and consistent basis. I’m only eating when I’m hungry now and smaller portions. I don’t stuff myself. And I’m 3 lbs away from removing 50 lbs. I am so grateful to Elise for telling me about you. Turned my life around!
    Cathy C.
    Re: Weight Loss and Clean Eating Program
    Cathy C.
    Re: Weight Loss and Clean Eating Program
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  • Made a kale salad today using the recipe Antoinette St Clair gave me the first time we met. She was teaching a raw food prep class that forever changed the way I look at food. While the boys were home making sausage, I was taking Toni's class. The salad is just as wonderful today as it was then!
    Rhonda Calhoon Kraft
    Re: Raw Food Lifestyle
    Rhonda Calhoon Kraft
    Re: Raw Food Lifestyle
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  • I was privileged to attend "Balance Your Blood Sugar - Balance Your Health". Toni is a wealth of information and very motivational. I have heard a lot of this information before, but Toni brought it home -- and I got back on the bandwagon getting my blood sugar balanced consistently. Feeling fantastic. Thank you Toni!
    Venus DeMarco
    Re: “Balance Your Blood Sugar - Balance Your Health” Webinar
    Venus DeMarco
    Re: “Balance Your Blood Sugar - Balance Your Health” Webinar
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  • I took the beginner’s class with Toni. You can tell that Toni has a wealth of information, and I wish I had two more hours to listen and glean information. The simple recipes made a raw foods diet seem more attainable. Thanks Toni for a great professional presentation. The book of recipes and information you sent us home with us has been very helpful. Thanks again.
    Jennifer P.
    Re: Eat Better!
    Jennifer P.
    Re: Eat Better!
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  • Thanks Toni! Much transformation happened!! I experienced very important shifts in mindset and ways of being along with delicious food and easy recipes!! The program is very well organized and easy to follow. This is not the end, but the beginning… I will be forever grateful!! Much love.
    Lisa P.
    Re: Transform Your Health - 28-Day Revitalization
    Lisa P.
    Re: Transform Your Health - 28-Day Revitalization
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  • I owe you big time. The “Discover 5 Cutting Edge Strategies to Balance Your Blood Sugar – Balance Your Health” webinar was sweet (in a good way)! I may now have the answer to my chronic fatigue problem.
    Dale Goddard
    Re: "Balance Your Blood Sugar, Balance Your Health" Webinar
    Dale Goddard
    Re: "Balance Your Blood Sugar, Balance Your Health" Webinar
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  • Our presenter, Toni made the class interesting and simplified preparation of the basics so that I am encouraged to do it. Being able to taste everything -- the smoothies, soups, sauces, dressings, and even a kale and bok choy salad was great. I like the fact that we were taught how to enjoy and be healthy eating raw.
    Phyllis H.
    Re: Eat Better!
    Phyllis H.
    Re: Eat Better!
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  • ...Your encouraging words when celebrating accomplishments during each week helped me to understand that accomplishments don't have to be grand to be noteworthy. (Click for more)
    James M.
    Re: 30-Day Healthier Eyes Program
    James M.
    Re: 30-Day Healthier Eyes Program

    The diet assessment was a good tool. It forced me to make an honest assessment and evaluation of my food choices and how they impact my eye health.

    I learned that I didn't know as much about healthy eating and living as I thought. Allowing myself to be coached was the main reason I was able to learn and execute the plan. I need the scheduled calls to keep myself focused and make sure I'm accomplishing the goals each week. Also, your encouraging words when celebrating accomplishments during each week helped me to understand that accomplishments don't have to be grand to be noteworthy.

  • Your class was great! Your honey mustard dressing was awesome! Amazed at the amount of protein in lettuce. It tastes better than eating ‘raw’ food sounds. I have learned that making smoothies is not that difficult and I’m sure over time I will get more creative. You are a wonderful person, whole, and genuine.
    Re: Eat Better!
    Re: Eat Better!
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  • So many things were valuable: Your ability to help me learn how to focus on my successes and the destination instead of what I perceived as failure and focusing on a goal. I also greatly appreciated your listening ability and repeating back what you were hearing me saying. And, your promptness for our meetings as well as prompt turn-around response to my emails. The way you always met me where I was -- no pressure to go faster than I was able with material. Well, except maybe for doing the vision and goal work back in January. LOL
    Paula Stiefel
    Re: Sweet Spot Solution 90-Day Blood Sugar Balance Program (Winter 2017)
    Paula Stiefel
    Re: Sweet Spot Solution 90-Day Blood Sugar Balance Program (Winter 2017)
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  • The program opened the door to showing me how to make good choices of food, the benefits of different food to my blood sugar, and the impact of vitamin and mineral imbalance. It has been so valuable that I refer back still today. I learned about myself that can balance stress and not let food control things. Also, I have to come first.
    E. Newton
    Re: Weight Loss and Clean Eating Program
    E. Newton
    Re: Weight Loss and Clean Eating Program
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  • This class was a great opportunity to learn raw recipes that are easy to recreate at home. Since taking the class, I’ve learned to incorporate more raw vegetables into my family’s diet in tasty ways. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking for ways to be healthier and increase their vegetable intake.
    Sabrina S.
    Re: Eat Better!
    Sabrina S.
    Re: Eat Better!
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  • What I really liked about your program was the recipes and the information about what I could do overall to help me sleep, have more energy, clear my gut, and help me lose weight. The skin brushing, chewing my food, breathing, baths, water filter… etc.
    Liz B.
    Re: 90-Day Gut Restoration Program (Spring 2017)
    Liz B.
    Re: 90-Day Gut Restoration Program (Spring 2017)
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