FOOD AS MEDICINE: Beat Fatigue and Restore Energy!


“The beauty of Food As Medicine is that the choice to heal and promote health can begin as soon as the next meal.”

Did you miss the webinar on October 3, 2020, or want a replay? Here you go!


  1. How to assess your level of exhaustion.
  2. How to use food, herbs, and supplements to beat fatigue.
  3. How to make simple lifestyle changes to restore your energy.
  4. How to create YOUR unique action plan to resolve exhaustion…naturally!

Those who attended learned how to personalize and customize plant-based food choices and appropriate lifestyle changes to restore and maintain energy. Those who attended also received a FREE “How To Be A Healthy Chocoholic” information and vegetarian recipe guide to deliciously and nutritiously improve your mood and support energy without processed sugar.

Here are some highlights of what we discussed, and related reference materials.

We had a lively and engaging Q&A during the webinar. Only one question remained unanswered:

Q- “Is there any test to determine proper digestion?”

A -There are a number of clinical tools that can determine the status of your digestive system.

You may wish to consult your medical practitioner for a diagnosis and recommendation. To assist you in understanding the root cause of why you are chronically tired and to create a personalized and customized health action plan, a PDF has been created from the presentation.


Participants used this self-assessment scorecard to assess how well they were nourishing their adrenals. Among other things, the main purpose of your adrenals is to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source from physical to emotional, from real or perceived ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. They largely determine the energy of your body’s responses to every change in your internal and external environment.

INE: Adrenal Assessment Scorecard


Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal

Makes 1 serving


• 1 (240 ml) cup water

• Dash of sea salt

• 1/2 cup gluten-free rolled oats

• 21/4 cup (55g) pumpkin puree (fresh or from a BPA-free can)

• 1 tablespoon chia seeds

• Dash of pumpkin spice


  1. Add water and sea salt to a medium stockpot. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Once the water is boiling, add the oats and reduce temperature to a simmer.
  3. Cook for about 10 minutes, until the oats are almost done, stirring every 1 to2 minutes.
  4. Add the pumpkin and chia seeds, and stir thoroughly.
  5. After another 1-2 minutes, remove the pot from heat, pour into a bowl, and top with pumpkin spice. Add unsweetened coconut (optional)
  6. Serve and enjoy! Tip: Water amounts and cooking times vary by type of oats (rolled or steel-cut) and desired consistency. Adjust water based on packaging instructions.



We will be offering Food As Medicine webinars, vlog, and blog posts to continue to

provide education, information, inspiration, and practical tools and tips to get

healthy and stay healthy with whole, minimally processed, plant-based food and

appropriate lifestyle changes.


DISCLAIMER: I am a health coach, wellness consultant, and educator. Drawing on my

background, training, skills, and life experiences, I support my clients of TrueSelf

TotalHealth spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I am not a licensed

practitioner, physician, dietician, nutritionist, nurse or medical

professional. Anything you learn here is to be utilized/taught/shared at your own

risk. Antoinette (Toni) St. Clair-Fish, Health Coach and Wellness Consultant claim no

responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or

alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or

interpretation of the information presented, suggested or recommended. This

content is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure a disease or condition. It is

intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment

purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctor or wellness practitioner if you have a

condition that requires medical attention.

Toni St. Clair-Fish

Certified Functional Nutrition Coach and Educator

Certified Digestive Health Coach

Certified Insulin Resistance Coach

Certification Candidate – Functional Medicine Health Coach


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